How to enhance evidence-based nursing in clinical environment?

Different kinds of barriers and facilitators to implement evidence-based nursing have been identified widely in nursing research during past decades. It has been shown that barriers and facilitators are universal in different nursing environments.


  • nursing culture that does not support EBN
  • lack of motivation and time of implementing EBN
  • attitudes towards EBN
  • lack of clarity about roles and practices of EBN
  • nursing practice which emphasizes routine patient care
  • inadequate EBN management


  • nurses positive perceptions on implementing EBN
  • adequate education and training of EBN implementation
  • managerial support
  • clear roles and planned practices on EBN
  • successful implementation of EBN
  • positive impact of EBN can be seen in patient outcomes

Nurses need to understand the meaning of EBN, the rationale to implement EBN and understand facilitating factors for successful implementation. It is also important that all participants (nurses, nurse leaders, organisations, other stakeholders) clearly identify their roles and responsibilities.
