How to develop?

In the Republic of Kazakhstan there is a coordination group that coordinates and supports the entire nursing clinical guideline development work. Coordination group names each Nursing clinical guideline adaptation process a working group, called the development group. The development groups include medical and nursing health care experts, trained in guideline development. Between 2018-2020, development work is guided and monitored by Finnish experts.

Development begins with the identification of the need of the nursing clinical guideline, after which the development group looks for international clinical guidelines. The most suitable guideline is carefully evaluated. The highest quality and most suitable guidebooks are translated and their recommendations are modified (adapted) to suit in the health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Suggestions for new nursing clinical guideline.

Clinical guidelines can be developed from the beginning (de nuovo), by setting a clinical question, conducting literature review, rating the evidence and writing the recommendations. In addition, there is a possibility to modify (adapt) international high-quality clinical guidelines to local settings. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first nursing clinical guidelines are adapted from international guidelines. The adaptation is done by the Kazakhstani health care expert groups (Development groups) in collaboration with experts from Finland. The adaptation is a systematic process. Approved manuals are guiding the development processes.

MANUAL No 1 “Methodological recommendation how to develop nursing clinical guidelines” (later links to this?)

MANUAL No 2 “Methodological recommendation how to adapt international nursing clinical guidelines” (later link to this?)

Guideline adaptation – is a systematic approach to consider the use and/or modification of an existing guideline produced in one cultural and organizational setting for application in a different context. Adaptation can be used as an alternative to developing a new (de nuovo) guideline. It reduces duplication of effort and the validity of recommendation is maintained. Adaptation is a participative process. It involves local key stakeholders and the guideline is customized  to be suitable for local context. (ADAPTE collaboration 2009.) Process improves guideline quality and ensures that recommendations are relevant in nursing practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
