How to teach evidence based nursing?

It is important that the training of nursing experts includes training on EBN. It is also remarkable that the training material is targeted for nursing professionals, and, for example, is not exactly the same as the training of medical experts.

In ProInCa project (Promoting the Innovation Capacity of Higher Education in Nursing during Health Services’ Transition) the national recommended EBN teaching materials is being developed in collaboration with European and Kazakhstani higher education partners. The materials will be piloted in 2019 and finalized in 2020. In this project there levels of materials will be developed:

  • Basic evidence-based nursing (for bachelor degree, 1st year of study )
  • Advanced evidence based nursing (for bachelor degree, 4th year of study)
  • Typical educational program on subject of evidence based nursing (for master degree)

Materials consists of lectures, practical classes and independent student work (assignments). Materials are available for all and teachers are recommended to use the PowerPoint presentations, instructions for practical classes and assignments.

Materials for teachers are available at the Moodle course about Evidence based nursing.
